Highest-Throughput 3-D Printer Is the Future of Manufacturing

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(Source: https://news.northwestern.edu/stories/2019/10/biggest-fastest-3d-printer-is-future-of-manufacturing/)
(Source: https://news.northwestern.edu/stories/2019/10/biggest-fastest-3d-printer-is-future-of-manufacturing/)

May 26, 2020 | Originally published by Northwestern University on October 17, 2019

Northwestern University researchers have developed a new, futuristic 3-D printer that is so big and so fast it can print an object the size of an adult human in just a couple of hours. Called HARP (high-area rapid printing), the new technology enables a record-breaking throughput that can manufacture products on demand. Over the last 30 years, most efforts in 3-D printing have been aimed at pushing the limits of legacy technologies. Often, the pursuit of larger parts has come at the cost of speed, throughput, and resolution. With HARP technology, this compromise is unnecessary, enabling it to compete with both the resolution and throughput of traditional manufacturing techniques.