Popular Training Program Increases Marine Survivability

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(Source: https://www.marines.mil/News/News-Display/Article/2163470/popular-training-program-increases-marine-survivability/)
(Source: https://www.marines.mil/News/News-Display/Article/2163470/popular-training-program-increases-marine-survivability/)

May 28, 2020 | Originally published by Marine on April 24, 2020

MARINE CORPS BASE QUANTICO, VA — Since 2008, deploying Marines have participated in a training course preparing them to survive emergency, underwater egress situations.

The Underwater Egress Trainer program teaches Marines and other authorized personnel to egress from sinking or submerged platforms. Marines learn to employ life-support equipment—such as Supplemental Emergency Breathing Devices and Life Preserver Units—to increase survival rates.