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The Rapid Rise of Neural Networks for Defense: A Cautionary Tale

No Longer in the Realm of Science Fiction, Artificial Intelligence Is Becoming Ubiquitous In The Civilian World As Well As the Military. But Are We Moving Too Quickly With a Technology We Still Don’t Fully Understand? Fueled by rapid increases in computer storage capacity and processing power (principally through the use of graphical processing units)

Academia a Crucial Partner for Pentagon’s AI Push

The dust lay thick upon the ruins of bombed-out buildings. Small groups of soldiers, leaden with their cargo of weaponry, bent low and scurried like beetles between the wrecked pillars and remains of shops and houses. Intelligence had indicated that enemy troops were planning a counterattack, but so far, all was quiet across the heat-shimmered

DARPA Artificial Intelligence Project Aims to Help Humans and Machines Get along Better

ARLINGTON, Va., 11 Aug. 2016. Humans and machines have been able to work together since the Industrial Revolution, but errors through misunderstandings are common. To help with this, U.S. military researchers are launching an artificial intelligence and machine learning program to help humans and machines get along better than ever before. Officials of the U.S