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Stunner: The U.S. Marines Want a Taser That Can Shoot Over 300 Feet

A bullet that zaps you with an electric jolt like a Taser.That’s what the U.S. Marine Corps wants as a non-lethal munition that can be fired from a regular small arm. The U.S. military has been trying to develop a Taser-like bullet for 12 years but has yet to succeed. This time, the Marines hope

Could This Non-Lethal Round Replace Tasers for Marines?

The Marine Corps wants the defense industry to design a wireless, non-lethal munition capable of stunning individuals out to 100 meters. The human electro-muscular incapacitation, or HEMI, munition is intended to be a small-caliber, non-lethal round that can be fired from current conventional small arms, according to a September 24 solicitation posted on ,

Final Report – Human Electro-Muscular Incapacitation (HEMI): Physiological Modeling Weapons

Human Electro-Muscular Incapacitation (HEMI) weapons are developed with the intent to incapacitate a subject without being lethal. However, under some use cases, these weapons have been linked to serious injury and even death. Applied Research Associates, Inc. (ARA) has been developing a generalized computational model based on underlying physical and biological processes, which will use