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Startup Makes Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Breakthroughs in Object Recognition, Imagery Analytics

ZAC – “We are developing a revolutionary technology leap in Artificial Intelligence, analytics, recognition, and search, based on General AI.” The recognition of objects is one of the main goals for computer vision research. 3-D object recognition has many industrial applications and applications in our daily lives. Some of the applications include: the automation on

Shodan Indicates Hospitals and Universities Have Many Vulnerable IoT Devices

Increasingly well-connected hospitals and doctors’ offices bring vast security challenges. A new report released Thursday shows that providers are struggling to keep up against hackers, according to cybersecurity company Trend Micro. “As hospitals and other healthcare facilities adopt new technology, add new devices, and embrace new partnerships, patients get better and more efficient services —

Researchers Set Record for Terahertz Quantum Cascade Laser Continuous Power

Researchers have nearly doubled the continuous output power of a type of laser, called a terahertz quantum cascade laser, with potential applications in medical imaging, airport security and more. Increasing the continuous output power of these lasers is an important step toward increasing the range of practical applications. The researchers report their results in the