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Shodan Indicates Hospitals and Universities Have Many Vulnerable IoT Devices

Increasingly well-connected hospitals and doctors’ offices bring vast security challenges. A new report released Thursday shows that providers are struggling to keep up against hackers, according to cybersecurity company Trend Micro. “As hospitals and other healthcare facilities adopt new technology, add new devices, and embrace new partnerships, patients get better and more efficient services —

Icarus Software-Defined Radio Hijacks Wide-Band Frequency-Agile Drone Control Systems

A security researcher has devised a method of hijacking a wide variety of radio- controlled airplanes, helicopters, cars, boats and other devices that use a popular wireless transmission technology. The attack was developed by Jonathan Andersson, manager of the Advanced Security Research Group at Trend Micro DVLabs, and targets a “wideband, frequency-agile 2.4GHz signal protocol”